Thursday 11 March 2010

The Job Situation … Again …

Do you remember me writing, a day or so ago, about the situation with my job?

About how there was a possibility that I’d get taken aboard by the company that’s taking over what had been the Warley branch of Threshers?

You do?

Oh, Good …

Well, an old workmate — from way back in the day, when I’d worked at The Hutton — pointed out that I may have cause to complain about that.

Cheers, Aurora!

It was a damn good idea.

It’s just a shame that it didn’t work out …

Bless her, Aurora suggested that I might just be able to make a case of it, under something I’d not heard of, until then: what’s called the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employees) regulations. Designed — basically — to make sure that the staff at a place of work get to keep their jobs, if a business is sold on.

Like I say, a damn good idea …

And one that — five or ten years ago — I maybe wouldn’t have gone for.

These days?

These day’s, when I’m older, in a steady relationship, and putting up a fight to get or keep a job, it seems much more the thing.

But, unfortunately, according to the nice person I spoke to at the Brentwood branch of the Citizens Advise Bureau, there was an exception to the TUPE regulations that applied to the case of Threshers.

The TUPE regulation applied when a business was sold on as a going concern.

What happened to Threshers?

Was a case of the assets of a business — the Brentwood branch’s lease, in other words — being transferred.

NOT the business, itself.

TUPE, it seems, doesn’t apply …

Now, I’d lying if I told you I didn’t have my hopes up, about this.

I would.

But I did.

The fact it didn’t come to anything?

Doesn’t surprise me.

But is a disappointment.


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